Congratulations to Elly Keyes and Bella LeJuerrne for each being awarded $750 scholarships for Visual Arts at TPAC’s “2021 Young Artist Awards”.
Watch the Elementary Orchestra & Band Concerts LIVE at:
Orchestra will begin at 6:15pm and Band will begin at 7:30.
We are looking for Bus Drivers and Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Workers.
Drivers: No CDL? We will provide training to help obtain your CDL.
Maintenance Worker maintains school grounds to ensure full and productive use of facilities.
Apply at:
Congratulations Berryton Elementary! Berryton is now the first school in the United States to become a Quantum Learning Distinguished School!
Board of Education Meeting tonight, May 17, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the SHMS Library. A retirement reception will be held at 6:30pm. Meetings can be viewed live on our District's YouTube Channel at:
Find the the meeting agenda at:
Today is the day! Graduation starts at 1:00pm at the Stormont Vail Event Center. Masks are required, guests are unlimited, please sit with family. Graduates arrive by 12:15pm, enter through lower south door. More info:
Congratulations to all the 2021 Graduates! If you plan to attend graduation today at 1:00 p.m. located at the Stormont Vail Event Center, take a look at the Traffic Map & Bag Policy. ( Masks are required for this event.
Congratulations to all our graduating seniors this weekend! The Class of 2021 Graduation will be held Sunday, May 16th at 1:00 PM at the Stormont Vail Event Center. Watch the Ceremony live at:
Wishing all our retirees a Happy Retirement! Retirees will be honored with a reception on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6:30p.m. in the Shawnee Heights Middle School Library.
Congratulations to Madisyn Landry for being selected as the 2021 Outstanding Senior Artist!
Congratulations to our Shawnee Heights High School Scholars!
Happy School Nurse Day! Thank you to all our school nurses and health services staff for everything they have done, especially this year. You are essential for healthy kids, healthy schools, and a healthy community.
Congratulations to our Shawnee Heights High School students who signed their National Technical Letter of Intent with Washburn Tech. Watch the 2021 National Technical Letter of Intent Signing Day at
AP Research students presented their research findings last week. The AP Capstone Program is a two year commitment that develops critical thinking, research, collaboration, and presentations skills. Congratulations to Charles Edington, Ben Weinzirl, and Andrew Rantz!
FSGC is offering a free presentation via zoom, "Screen Time & Social Media: How Much is too Much?" on Thursday, May 20 from 6:30-7:30pm. Sign up at
State Treasurer Rogers invited members of the community to nominate teachers that have gone above and beyond for a chance to win a $1,000 prize. Our very own SHHS Teacher Mrs. Jones won after being nominated by one of her students, Pierce Gutierrez. Congratulations, Mrs. Jones!
It is Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week! Thank you to all of our teachers and staff for all the hard work you put in every day.
The Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation surprised teachers with their Teacher Grants today. Congratulations to the 2021 Teacher Grant Recipients!
Congratulations to Shawnee Heights alumni, Wyatt Hubert, for being drafted by the Bengals this weekend!
Power and phones are restored. Thank you!