We are thrilled to announce that our IT Department has been nominated for Cybersecurity Defender of the Year! Join us in celebrating all nominees at the #CiscoAdvocateAwards in November. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/peer-networking-communities/gateway/advocacy-awards.html
Congratulations to the Performing Arts staff, students, and those supporting the program on receiving the KSHSAA Performing Arts School of Excellence Award!
Board of Education Meeting tonight, October 4, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the SHHS Auditorium. Join us or watch at: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShawneeHeightsUSD450
Agenda & minutes: https://bit.ly/2SOlGoc
Instructions on how to navigate our new system: https://youtu.be/fbCm1129X2I
Today is National Custodian Day! Our Custodians not only keep the schools safe and clean for our students and staff, but many of them pitch in and drive a bus when we are short drivers. Thank you for everything you do!
Over the weekend SHHS students entered a booth in the 16th Annual Aaron Douglas Art Fair. Their booth won the Best of Show Student Award AND the People's Choice School Award! Congratulations!
Reminder: There is no school for students tomorrow, Monday, September 27, 2021. This is a teacher workday. Year at a glance calendar 👉https://www.usd450.net/calendar/year-at-a-glance
Thank you to the U.S. Marines who sponsored the No Hate Tour to come out and speak with our students about bully prevention yesterday. Also, thank you to the ASA No Hate Tour. They did a fantastic job and were amazing BMX riders!
Parents, educators and community members can stay connected to the latest preK-12 education news through "Insight Podcast," hosted by Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson. Access “Insight Podcast” by visiting https://anchor.fm/ksdeinsight.
KSDE will host a walk-in vaccine clinic Wednesday, September 22, 2021 in the SHMS gym. Students who would like to receive the vaccine will be scheduled at 1:00 pm. Other persons interested can attend from 1:00-2:00pm. Click here for details: https://bit.ly/SHVaccineClinic
Board of Education Meeting tonight, September 20, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the SHHS Auditorium. Join us or watch at: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShawneeHeightsUSD450
Agenda & minutes: https://bit.ly/2SOlGoc
Instructions on how to navigate our new system: https://youtu.be/fbCm1129X2I
We're Hiring a Literacy Tutor at Tecumseh North! The At-Risk Tutor assists the reading specialist in reading and literacy instruction and remediation to students in grades K-6. Apply at: https://bit.ly/TNLiteracyTutor
We're Hiring an Early Childhood Paraprofessional II at Berryton! The Special Education Para assists the instructor in creating a positive learning environment to facilitate the personal, social, and intellectual development of students. Apply at: https://bit.ly/SPEDParaII
The Healthy Kansas 2030 Steering Committee is conducting a Community Health Perceptions Survey to engage Kansans in a collaborative process to identify and address our stat's current leading health challenges. Read more: https://bit.ly/KSCommunityHealthSurvey
Do you have a child that will turn four years old on or before August 31, 2022? Schedule their preschool screening today! Click here for more information about our full-day preschool class. https://bit.ly/usd450Preschool
Congratulations to our 2022 Shawnee Heights Horizon Award Nominees, Emma Joens, and Julia Gloss. They are both perfect examples of the high-quality teachers we have in our district. See the article below for more details and video! https://bit.ly/3twfRcY
Don't forget to join us tonight, September 9, 2021, from 6:00 - 7:30 at the Shawnee Heights High School for the Kansans Can Success! Tour. Dr. Watson and Dr. Neuenswander will share success stories, challenges, discuss the Kansans Can School Redesign, and answer questions.
Roseann Gish was a former Journalism teacher at SHHS and taught for our district for 15 years. Our hearts go out to her family and friends during this difficult time. Obituary: https://www.dovetopeka.com/Obituary/203577/Roseann-Gish/Dove-KS
Board of Education Meeting tonight, September 7, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the SHHS Auditorium. Join us or watch at: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShawneeHeightsUSD450
Agenda & minutes: https://bit.ly/2SOlGoc
Instructions on how to navigate our new system: https://youtu.be/fbCm1129X2I
The Kansans Can Success! Tour is on its way to Shawnee Heights! Join us on September 9, 2021 at 6:00pm. Click on the link for more details and to register for this event. https://bit.ly/3BJc1A0
Congratulations to two of our Shawnee Height's Board Members, Rosa Cavazos, and Lauren Tice Miller, for being selected as a 2021 YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree!