KG Use of School Facilities by Non-School Groups
The Board of Education may allow use of school buildings and school grounds at reasonable times and reasonable rates to recognized community organizations whose activities are of general interest to the community and whose use of the school facility is for a community purpose. Use of any school facility or school grounds, however, shall not interfere with daily school use or school sponsored activity. School activities shall have first priority for facility use. No group or organization shall be allowed to use school facilities for private profit-making purposes. School-related organizations, such as parent-teacher associations, shall have priority over non-school related organizations. Non-school groups requesting use of facilities should consist of at least 25 percent Shawnee Heights district patrons. The Board delegates to the Superintendent and administrative staff, the authority and duty to consider and approve or disapprove requests for use of school facilities for non-school use according to this policy and applicable law. Shawnee Heights’ buildings will not be rented or utilized for weddings, funerals, non-school reunions, or other related activities. Any exceptions would require approval from the superintendent.
Adherence to Board Policies
As a condition to initial use of and continued access to district property and facilities, groups and/or organizations must follow Kansas law and Board policy prohibiting the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on district property to ensure individuals in attendance refrain from using such substances on district property as well. Failure to abide by this provision may result in a revocation of facility use privileges.
Fees and Rental Charges
The Board shall establish reasonable fees for the use of any school facility or school grounds; fees will cover costs of wages of school personnel involved and utilities. The fee shall be approved by the Board and shall be reviewed annually.
Lease Arrangements
The Board of Education has authority to consider and approve or disapprove lease arrangements. Lease arrangements are considered for clubs and organizations who request the use of a building more than ten (10) times each year and who do not meet the 25 percent patron-use requirement.
Liability Insurance
Users may be required to obtain and pay for $1,000,000. general liability insurance coverage, including personal injury and property damage, for all persons who use or attend activities in this facility under an agreement. Shawnee Heights USD 450 shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. A valid certificate of insurance form shall be provided before a contract will be issued.
Supervision of Non-School Groups
Whenever any school facility is used by non-school groups or individuals, a school employee shall be on duty to see that the building and equipment are properly used. Youth and children’s groups using school facilities must be supervised by an adequate number of adult sponsors to assure proper care and use of school property. A custodian may not be required to be on duty when, in the principal’s opinion, it is not necessary. In this case, the sponsors and the principal accept full responsibility for the building’s use.
Insurance and/or Bonds
The Board, through is duly authorized agent, reserves the right to require bonds (cash or otherwise), insurance, or other damage deposits, acceptable to the Board before allowing usage of school facilities.
Termination Clause
The district has the authority to terminate the facility use agreement for the violation of any provision in the agreement, or for unforeseen circumstances.
Community Groups
The buildings and grounds of Unified School District No. 450 are available for use by tax- supported, non-profit, and community interest groups, not school related, at a nominal charge based on the cost of operation of the facilities to be used. The group using the facility should consist of at least 25 percent patrons of USD 450. Violations of this regulation will result in forfeiture of all remaining scheduled usage, all fees paid, and may prohibit any future scheduling of gymnasiums by the party who signed the contract. All facility rentals are divided into three groups.
Those of a recreational, civic, or educational nature:
All meetings conducted as a part of the official activities of the school district (including PTO and Site Councils), will be allowed the use of school buildings without charge. All regularly scheduled meetings conducted as a part of the activities of scout groups, 4-H clubs, Shawnee County Parks & Recreation Department, Camp Fire Boys and Girls, and the YMCA Primetime, not sponsored by the district, will also be allowed the use of the school buildings free.
All other facility rentals falling within the first group above, whether an admission fee is charged or not, provided there is a reasonable assurance that the proceeds, when a fee is charged, will be used for the promotion, improvement, or betterment of the community, will be allowed the use of the school building upon payment of certain charges, which are composed essentially of the costs of janitorial services and utilities.
Those of a religious nature:
The use of school facilities for non-school related religious groups will be allowed on the same basis as other community groups mentioned in #1(b) above. However, churches requesting gym rentals must follow the 25 percent patron participation guidelines.
Those of a political nature:
No use of school facilities for political purposes will be allowed. Exception: Facilities may be used for election polls and non-partisan community information and election activities.
General Regulations for Facility Use
Under Kansas law, the Board of Education has authority to allow public school buildings to be used by recognized community organizations whose activities are of general interest to the community and whose use of the school facility is for a community purpose. Reasonable charges to cover custodial and utility costs may be levied.
Failure to follow KG/KG-R: General Regulations for Facility Use, will result in the forfeiture of the right of further occupancy. No tolerance for infractions of the contract provisions or Board policy will be allowed.
Complete and submit all facility request to Shawnee Heights USD 450 via ML Schedules located at
The lessee may be required to obtain and pay for $1,000,000. of general liability coverage, including personal injury and property damage for all persons who use or attend activities in the facility under this agreement. A certificate of insurance should be submitted via ML Schedules.
Once the request is approved by the district and fees have been paid, the Shawnee Heights Central Services scheduling team will approve or deny the request.
Building rental contracts must be property executed; signed and submitted via ML Schedules, on or before 4:00 P.M. the day before the facilities will be used. Those wishing to contract for more than one date must pay for all dates at the time arrangements are made. Cancellation must be made one week prior to the date of reservation for the district to reimburse the rental fee.
The district reserves the right to cancel reservations because of unforeseen circumstances. Rental fees will be refunded for such cancellations.
In emergency situations, change of sponsorship must be arranged with the building principal of the rental facility prior to 4:00 P.M. the day of the rental.
At least one of the three adult patrons who signed the contract and one building staff member must be present at the facility for the duration of the rental period.
A copy of the contract shall be presented to the building custodian at the time admittance to the building is requested. Custodians have been instructed to grant admittance only to groups with an approved contract.
Student groups must be supervised by an adequate number of adults to assure proper facility care and use. Supervisors of groups are required to remain in the building until all parties have left or been picked up.
All persons attending the activity shall confine themselves to the room(s) and corridors assigned for their use, not bring drinks into the gym, stay off the stage and equipment not requested for use during the activity, and depart the building at the prescribed time.
Tobacco, weapons (as defined by statute), prescribed controlled substances and intoxicating liquors, including beer and wine, shall not be used in the building or on school property either by individuals, the group, other participants, or others in attendance.
No school furniture or equipment will be rented or loaned to be moved from the building in which it is located.
Non-school groups of the district may use school kitchens only when they can find no suitable facility elsewhere. In such cases, the user must pay an additional fee for a school cook to supervise kitchen use, in addition to the rental fee.
The building area(s) used by the renter MUST be cleaned and put back in order prior to the renter leaving at the end of each day’s activities. An additional charge will be made for noncompliance.
The person, persons, or groups making application for school facilities use shall agree to reimburse the district for any property damage done to school facilities or property by persons of the participating group. Any damages occurring during usage will be billed to the individual and/or organization renting the facility. Further, the rental shall hold harmless and reimburse the district for any and all expenses arising because of any claim which may hereafter be presented by anyone for loss and damages or personal injury as a result of the use of the school facility by the renter.
Patrons requesting and using the elementary school gymnasiums shall be subject to the above list of general regulations and the following supplemental regulations:
An annually established date for the beginning of gym rental requests will be set each year by the Director of Business & Finance.
A patron will be limited to twenty (20) gym rentals per school year, with no more than two rentals scheduled per week. Patrons may exceed ten (10) rentals only by renting gyms which have not been scheduled within two days prior to the day of the gym usage. A patron may only apply for his/her own rental.
The gymnasium rental agreement (contract) must be properly executed on or before 4:00 P.M. the day before the facility will be used. A rental agreement will not be considered complete until the contract is signed by both parties and approved in ML Schedules.
At least 25 percent of the group must consist of patrons of USD 450. Violation of this regulation will result in forfeiture of all remaining scheduled usage, all fees paid, and may prohibit any future scheduling of gymnasiums by the party which signed the contract.
Gymnasium rental for volleyball and basketball will be assigned as follows:
September – November; December – March
Tecumseh South & Tecumseh North – Tuesdays and Thursdays
September – May
All elementary buildings – Mondays and Wednesdays
Friday activities will be scheduled at all buildings on a first come, first served basis for either volleyball or basketball. The gym activity schedule may be adjusted by administration depending on need.
Gymnasiums will be available for rental at the following evening time periods only on days when a member of the custodial staff is available.
5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.
All 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. time periods are reserved for use by grade PreK-12 students of the district. If the gymnasium is not rented two (2) weeks prior to a given use date, it will be available to rent for groups other than students of the district.
The Middle School and High School gymnasiums are only rented with Board of Education approval.
Approved: August 21, 1989
Revised & Approved: October 5, 1992
Revised & Approved: October 18, 1993
Revised & Approved: September 6, 1994
Revised & Approved: November 6, 1995
Revised & Approved: August 21, 2002
Revised & Approved: October 3, 2005
Revised & Approved: July 16, 2018
Auditorium | District Patron | Non-Patron |
Mandatory Fees: | ||
SHHS Auditorium | $200 per hour | $500 per hour |
Sound and Lighting | $30 per hour | $35 per hour |
Custodial | $30 per hour | $35 per hour |
SHMS Auditorium | $50 per hour | $60 per hour |
Elementary Auditoriums | $25 per hour | $30 per hour |
Optional Fees: | ||
Security | $30 per hour | $35 per hour |
Administrator | $50 per hour | $60 per hour |
Elementary Gymnasium | ||
Rental Fees | $20 each rental | $20 each rental |
Shawnee Heights Optimist | Free of charge | |
Tracks and Fields | ||
SHHS Varsity & Track Field | Free of Charge | $50 per hour |
SHHS Sub-Varsity Field | Free of Charge | $50 per hour |
SHHS Practice Field | Free of Charge | $50 per hour |
All Other Facilities | ||
(A custodial fee is required for all other inside facilities.) | ||
Custodial | $30 per hour | $35 per hour |
Optional Fees: | ||
Kitchen | $20 per hour | $25 per hour |
Dining Room | $10 per hour | $15 per hour |
Dining Room with Outside Food | $15 per hour | $20 per hour |