Harvesters mobile food pantry in Shawnee Heights community. Saturday October 5th from 12p-1p. This will occur every 1st Saturday of the month.
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Washburn Tech Open House October 17th
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Tech Open House
ACT Prep Oct 2019
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
ACT Prep 19
College and Career Fair in Lawrence KS October 7th 6:30p-8p
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Lawrence Public School and KACRAO - Letter
ACT Test Prep Class
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
ACT Prep 19
Harvesters monthly mobile food pantry
over 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Who is ready to start their back to school shopping? Check out the new HS booster club online store and save 25% off your order! https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/kansas/tecumseh/shawnee-heights-high-school
over 5 years ago, Shawnee Heights High School
Grand Opening
Summer ACT Prep through K-State. Friday May 31st @ KSU Olathe, Saturday June 1st @ KSU Manhattan, and Friday June 28th @ KSU Manhattan. https://www.k-state.edu/admissions/act.html
almost 6 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Summer job opportunity at Godfathers Pizza.
almost 6 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Godfathers Pizza
Summer road work laborers needed for the Tecumseh Township. See flyer below for more information.
almost 6 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Tecumseh Township Laborers
Students looking for summer work? Poppin Squeeze is a concession company looking for help during the busy summer months. Go to: Shawnee Heights High School Counseling Department FaceBook page for more information. Search Shawnee Heights High School Counseling Department on FB.
almost 6 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Class of 2019! The counseling center needs your scholarship information. Return form to the counseling center by Monday April 29th or email it to holtj@usd450.net. Blank forms are also available in the counseling center.
almost 6 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Senior Scholarship Information
The NHS meeting scheduled for tomorrow, February 7, 2019 is cancelled.
about 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
SHHS students presented at the recent JEDO meeting and did a fantastic job. "Topeka, did you see that? This is your youth. Shawnee County, this is your youth. Our future is very bright" said Mayor De La Isla. https://youtu.be/9rlOgCLBXYg?t=9956
about 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
The Shawnee Heights High School Booster Club invites you to our Family Fun Bingo Night. Proceeds benefit the SHHS Booster Club and Post Prom 2019!
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
SHHS Family Fun BINGO Night
Mattress Sale Fundraiser @Shawnee Heights High- SAT 11/17; 10AM-4PM Name brand beds made to order w/ warranties! INFO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ4NpXCI_iU
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Mattress Sale Fundraiser
SHHS is opening its Care Closet on Saturday, October 20th from 8 – 10:00 am in the South Commons of the high school. It will then be open Saturdays from 8 – 10:00 a.m., with the exception of school holidays. Questions? Contact Shari Wilson or Laurie Crimmins
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Care Closet
Spirt Club is looking ahead to our Pink Out football game on October 12th. All proceeds go towards the American Cancer Society. Follow the link to get your shirt before Friday, October 5th! https://www.usd450.net/schools/sh-high-school/shhs-news/1047-pink-out-2018
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Pink Out Shirt
Students were able to attend a presentation by John Carlos today at Washburn University. The "World's Fastest Humanitarian" spoke about his journey in fighting for human rights.
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights High School
Students at John Carlos Presentation
John Carlos
Kyla Jade is performing a benefit concert for our choir and drama program. She will be at our very own High School auditorium September 29th. Reserve your tickets now! https://www.showtix4u.com/boxoffice.php?submit=Search+for+Events&begin=1542968¤t_client=0200006912312374
over 6 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Kyla Jade