The interactive Course Offerings Guide provides information on courses offered at SHHS as well as other information regarding degree completion. Click on section titles in the Table of Contents to be linked directly to that section.
Enrollment into classes for next year is now open in PowerSchool. Use the below enrollment form for the grade you will enter in Fall of 2023.
PowerSchool Enrollment opens soon..
Students can go to Power School (the same way as if checking grades.) Click on the “CLASS REGISTRATION” icon. Follow the directions and use the colored enrollment sheet to help select the courses to take next school year. Be sure to click SUBMIT and verify the course requests with those on the enrollment sheet.
Please make sure class choices are entered into PS by the established deadline and enrollment forms are turned in. These sheets will be used by the Counselors for verification purposes. Make sure all information is completed including signatures and contact information.
If you do not complete the enrollment process online and turn in enrollment forms, counselors will enroll you in appropriate classes (which may not be the classes you would have chosen).
It is essential that you have taken this process seriously and made appropriate choices as schedule changes will be limited. If questions arise do not hesitate to contact the counseling department.
For assistance with PowerSchool accounts, please see our PowerSchool Parent Guide
8th Grade Enrollment
Please click the button below to access the PowerPoint from the 8th Grade Enrollment nights.