We apologize for the streaming challenges this evening with the freshman girls games vs. Washburn Rural. We have been in contact with the NFHS and hope to have it fixed soon.
Currently Heights trails Washburn Rural 4-3 w/3:32 left on the clock in the first quarter.
Any sophomore, junior, or senior interested in attending Washburn Tech next fall and haven’t taken the test for admission need to stop by the counseling center and sign up. The Accuplacer test will be given in two sessions at the Shawnee Heights High School library lab (there is a $20 fee). The test will be on Wednesday, February 24th at 8:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. There are a limited number of seats for each session (9) so you need to get signed up quickly in the counseling center. If you have any questions/concerns regarding WU Tech, please stop in and visit with Ms. Finnegan.
WE ARE REQUIRING STUDENTS TO PAY THEIR $20.00 FEE THE DAY THEY SIGN UP IN THE COUNSELING CENTER. Students will need their photo ID and a pen/pencil the day of the test.
As a pro-active step to help our families better prepare for the potential inclement weather forecasted for Monday, January 25, 2021, we have decided to switch next week’s full remote learning day from Wednesday to Monday.
Group A Schedule – Remote Learning on January 25th, 28th, and 29th. In school learning on January 26th and 27th.
Group B Schedule – Remote Learning on January 25th, 26th, and 27th. In school learning on January 28th and 29th.
Incredible night for the T-Bird‘s!!
Both boys & girls, JV & Varsity Bowlers took 1st, again(2nd night in a row); and, both Boys & Girls Wrestling swept their tri tonight!
Great work, ladies & gentlemen!! Way to bring home the hardware!
From Lansing today:
Var Girls 1st
Var Boys 1st
JV Girls 1st
JV Boys 2nd
Congratulations to both the men’s and women’s varsity wrestling teams on their 1st place finishes at their tournaments today!! Way to #TCOB
It’s a GREAT day to be a T-Bird!
Congratulations to Bo Miller and Anthony Lake on their 2nd place finish in the KSHSAA 5A Varsity State Debate Tournament!
Incredible job! Way to cap off a phenomenal season!!
Our NFHS Pixellot feed is back up and running! But, if you’d prefer, the YouTube link is live, here -
T-Bird Basketball fans,
We are sorry for the NFHS Pixellot issues. Please use this link to stream ALL of tonight’s (1/15/21) games:
With a final score of 63-51, the T-Birds take the ‘W’ home from Leavenworth!
At Half, Heights Hoops Leads the Pioneers 29-19.
#GoHeights #ItsAGreatDayToBeATBird
It’s a GREAT night for a Lady T-Bird victory! The final from Leavenworth, Lady T-Birds 51, the Lady Pioneers, 34.
The varsity boys are on the court, and can be streamed using the links above.
#GoHeights #ItsAGREATDayToBeATBird
T-Birds and T-Bird fans,
The NFHS System at Leavenworth High School has gone down. The games can now be streamed here:
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hey, T-Birds!
The schedule for next week is a little different for cohort B. There is no change for cohort A.
Monday, January 11th: Group A (1st, T-Bird Time, 3rd, 5th, 7th)
Tuesday, January 12th: Group A (2nd, T-Bird Time, 4th, 6th, 7th)
Wednesday, January 13th: Group B 1st, T-Bird Time, 3rd, 5th, 7th)
Thursday, January 14th: Group B (2nd, T-Bird Time, 4th, 6th, 7th)
Friday, January 15th: End of semester workday for teachers - No School for Students.
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS goes out to our very own, Head Boys Soccer Coach, Mr. Steve Loy, on being named the United Soccer Coaches Association Central Region’s National Coach of the Year!! Beyond earned and well deserved!! #CongratsCoach #ItsAGREATDayToBeATBird
Live streaming update - auxiliary gym games at Topeka West can be found on FB live, or by following this link:
Varsity action can be found on www.nfhsnetwork.com, and searching Topeka West or Shawnee Heights.
This is the last week for our Major Saver Campaign. Online sales will end Thursday, December 17, 2020. Our Major Saver campaign not only raises money for our schools but also helps support local businesses! See all of the local businesses on our card in the photo below.
If you can’t find a student to purchase a card from, you can still help support our schools by purchasing your card online at www.majorsaver.com
Hey T-Birds!
Basketball tonight at Topeka West can be streamed here:
JV Girls at 4:30 & Freshman Girls at 6:00 in the Aux gym -
JV Boys at 4:30, Varsity Girls at 6:00, & Varsity Boys at 7:30 in the main gym -
The Board meeting tonight, December 14th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., will be held in the Shawnee Heights High School Auditorium. The board will be discussing our Learning Scenario plans following Winter Break.
The meeting can be viewed live on our District's YouTube Channel at: https://bit.ly/3fT7WyB
Find the the meeting agenda at: https://www.usd450.net/district/board-of-education/agendas-minutes
Please wear your mask and practice social distancing if you will be in attendance.
We will continue Public Comments in-person at the board meeting; however, we will not be reading Public Comments that are emailed during the meeting. Individuals will be given 3 minutes or less for In-Person Public Comments. Patrons are still welcome to submit Public Comments via email. They will be forwarded to each board member to review. Submit emailed Public Comments to our Board Clerk (hoyers@usd450.net).
Games from SHHS will be streamed on www.NFHSnetwork.com.
Boys games @ Tonganoxie can be seen here:
Spectator policy will be sent shortly. 2 parents/guardians (only, no substitutes) will be admitted per Shawnee Heights player, only.