Tecumseh South's Moon Tree Planting

Tecumseh South Elementary School is thrilled to announce its selection as a recipient of a Moon Tree seedling from NASA's Artemis I mission. This historic project, rooted in the Apollo 14 Moon Trees legacy, aims to bridge the past and future of space exploration while promoting STEM education and environmental conservation.

NASA's Office of STEM Engagement, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Services, flew five species of tree seeds aboard Artemis I. Museums, universities, federal agencies, and K-12 serving organizations were invited to apply for a Moon Tree seedling.

In fall 2023, Mrs. Stevenson from Tecumseh South Elementary applied for a Moon Tree to be housed at the school. The application highlighted the school's commitment to using the tree for instructional purposes, with plans to integrate it into various educational programs and community activities. The Moon Tree will be planted in a pre-approved area near the school's garden, where it will be cared for by the Garden Club and observed by over 2,000 students and community members annually.

Moon Tree Planting Event

The community is invited to join us for the planting of the Moon Tree on May 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM at Tecumseh South Elementary. This event will celebrate the arrival of the Moon Tree and its significance to our school and the broader community. Attendees will have the opportunity to watch the planting of the tree by Tecumseh South Elementary students and learn more about its journey to space and its importance in STEM education.

STEM Engagement and Educational Impact

The Moon Tree will serve as a focal point for STEM engagement, citizen science, and data literacy. Students in the Garden Club and Stangs Club will collect data on the tree's growth, including measurements of height, trunk circumference, and soil quality. This data will be analyzed and incorporated into lessons on ecology, life cycles, space, and the environment.

Key activities planned around the Moon Tree include:

  • Collecting and analyzing environmental data.

  • Studying the effects of space on living organisms.

  • Integrating art and science through leaf prints and tree drawings.

  • Engaging with the community through Garden Club meetings and annual events.

Permanent signage will be installed to tell the story of the Moon Tree and its connection to NASA's Artemis I missions. Tecumseh South Elementary and the community will help maintain and protect the tree, ensuring its growth and health for years to come.